Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Don't Want To Sweat Today!!

OMG are you kidding me? I would like that to be my answer so this is a tough one but I must remain professional since I am after all a trainer, my answer is…get over it!
Well this is just one of the many excuses I'm gonna to post from time to time just for you guys to read..
Maybe you can see yourself in one of the many excuses I hear, or maybe you'll even have a laugh or two. The best one happened today in the gym, but I will save that for last. Oh and I won't mention any names so not to cause my very amazing client any embarrassment..OK L.S.?
My answer to SWEAT!!!
Do you really want change?
A little sweat is a good thing. Sweat is our bodies natural cooling system and you'll have plenty of time throughout the day where you can avoid sweat but at the gym or during an at home workout DVD sweat means you really want to make a difference towards your journey to a new you. Sweat Baby!!
Now as promised..
As sweat would have it during an intense interval ball toss all while shuffling and  doing crab crawl squats with my client L.S., the outburst of a new "excuse" popped from her mouth..she said while breathing heavy.." I don't think these are the right sneakers for this"...OMG.. First let me say that after I said WHAT??? We both broke out into hysteric's, she realized that wholly crap Leslie is gonna post this...Would I doooo that???? Yes and why not? It's gonna be a classic. In case you're wondering did I cut her some slack because she wasn't wearing the "right" shoes the answer is NO.. The shoes were perfect, the workout was making her SWEAT..I did my job..

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