Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Does this sound like you?

With Thanksgiving past and the December Holiday's  just around the corner you may be wondering if there will be a solution to your resolution?
Ask yourself if you have ever said.....

I won't eat all day to save up for dinner later..

I will work out twice as hard at the gym when the holiday's are over..That is if you even have a gym membership..

I will call Leslie, she will fix me right up? That's interesting huh?

Or the best is...It is holiday time so I'm gonna enjoy myself now and worry about it come January 1st when I make my NEW New Year Resolution to lose weight and get in shape.

So let's review..... If you decide to starve all day just to stuff yourself later what does that do? NOTHING..you aren't burning many calories during the day cause odds are your energy level has pooped out due to the proper energy source (fuel) that your body needs to run all day, but the biggest thing is your body will store what fat you already have to protect it from starvation. Yes even if it's only one day..Then you sit down to that meal, eat it all up like you never saw food before, can't move because you are stuffed, then you sit some more..it's late now and your body is tired from all the "stress" you put it through so you go to sleep...Now the 5000 calories you probably ate are doing what? You guessed it...storing in your fat cells.. are you thinkin' Leslie that is harsh?!
It's not because January 2nd you are gonna ask me to take it all away from you so it's my job to be truthful.
Now about that membership...most of us humans don't really like to workout so ask yourself can you push yourself beyond your comfort zone to make the changes you want? Remember you said you will workout twice as hard.. The answer will most likely be NO !

So the next answer is hire a trainer if you can or just join the gym, be true to yourself while you sweat..slow motion isn't gonna do it..! As far as me "fixing it"..I can show you the road but you must take the path and fuel your body with good energy to make the trip. If we workout hard and you stop at Micky D's on the way home it won't work..! That is the HARSH TRUTH and you will be wasting your money thinking I can "fix it"..!
Eat small meals durning the day, every 3 hours is good this way you won't stuff yourself silly and you will be closer to your goals..I promise..
Happy Holiday's

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